Wednesday, July 09, 2008

HEY! Guitar performance on THIS FRIDAY! -11th July.
Those who are participating, get enough sleep on 10th July.
Be ready and perked up for the 5 hours long performance!
*sigh* sounds real long eh? But we get to skip lessons!!!!!! SAY YIPPEE!!!

A gentle reminder that we are leaving lessons at 11.30am.

Student Council Investiture tomorrow! -9th July

Friday, July 04, 2008

The 11th July performance is coming soon!
Everyone buck up!
Those who are not selected, it's okay, try harder next time.
Those who are selected, good for you and work harder!

For those people who don't know how to play Lambada, A walkin the woods, Mezza Luna, please go and learn.
Especially the sec ones, you never know when Mr Shi will dig it out to play again! :D

For sec ones that were chosen to be councillors, please jiayou, being councillors is not easy. But you lucky ducks didn't choose Functions & Publicity, so in a way it's a good thing.

But i hope that when there's a period of being caught up with council and guitar, you guys would be able to cope and balance well.

Guitar is progressing well and fast, but PLEASE PLEASE tidy up the room, don't throw things on the floor and keep it neat! Thankyou!

-Charmaine :) All the way guitar!